Amazing "Before & After" pictures are all over the interwebs - I find that they do one of two things to me. They either inspire me or intimidate me. I feel like if I can't turn my closet or my washroom into a beautiful oasis worthy of a Better Homes & Gardens Magazines front page spread I might as well just leave it the messy hole that it is.

Don't do it! Especially if you have no closet doors (like me) to hide the mess. So I followed some simple rules to closet de-cluttering.
- If you haven't worn it in 6 months donate it.
- If you've only worn it ONCE in the last six months just so you don't have to donate it on your next closet purge, you should still donate it. :)
- Keeping clothes that you don't like to wear or don't make you feel good just to have a full closet is not a good idea.
- Try not to use your closet for storage. I was keeping these items in my closet although I'd never wear them:
While I definitely want to keep my cheerleading paraphenalia, it's unlikely I'm going to break it out in case of a rain storm. So to the keepsake chest they went!
- Use one type of hanger - I had plastic (in blue, white, purple, turquoise, black...), wire, Zips, and store hangers. This makes for a cluttered look, so I went for all white plastic (which I had the most of) and added some wooden skirt hangers from IKEA.
- Use extra space. I put up some 3M hooks that I had around the house to be able to hang a few things that were just piled onto the top shelf.
- And finally, if you have three cats, bring the vacuum to address the dust/hair bunnies (ew)

So who's in? Is it time to clean out your closet?
So, did you keep Cheer Bear? I hope so :)
I definitely kept Cheer Bear. :) I also still have my original Cheer Bear that was my childhood BFF and then I bought the one pictured when they re-released them some years back. I'm an emotional sap. :)
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