It was an inexpensive choice from Community Forklift to replace the sink original to the house. But the smaller basin has proven to be totally non-functional.
Despite our united front to replace said non-functional sink, we were having trouble agreeing on a replacement sink. Despite of how well we get along, design choices have turned out to be our achilles heel for agreeableness. So it has been a learning process about how to come to decisions that make both of us happy.
I wanted a white sink - I thought it would go very well with our color scheme and I felt were a more inexpensive option.

Micheal really liked the granite composites or granite sinks or a higher grade stainless steel sink.
If we had unlimited funds I would get one of the apron front sinks that are so popular right now.

Coming to a compromise has been a bit of a challenge. We almost went up in price to get one we both agreed on (which is our typical MO but is getting a little tough on the pocket book):

Instead we combined his desire or higher grade stainless steel with a bit more of a modern design that I found appealing. So it wasn't the same old standard blah SS sink.

We ordered from and they had free shipping for Oktoberstock month. :) I can't wait until it arrives! It was a great compromise and I think we're both happy with the decision.
nice sink :) I've found a few for our bathroom re-dos on overstock that I really really likes. Love that store :)
Thanks NK! This our first order from Overstock, I hope we have as much luck as you have had!
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