We took advantage of the nice weather and hit up a few estate sales and picked up these cuties...
(I plan on turning them into candle holders!)
...and jetted up to Baltimore to check out another building surplus and salvage warehouse, The Loading Dock. In comparison to our local warehouse, the Community Forklift...I was not impressed. They had a larger selection of tile and flooring, but the prices were a lot higher for most things including doors and windows.
On our way we got caught up in the smoke of a brush fire that ultimately closed I-95 North and South (which is a BIG deal!)
It was pretty ominous in that cloud!
We also retrofit our wonky wobbly drawers with fancy new slides and put up a few more doors. Here is Micheal trying to determine if everything is level...
What we've learned (recently):
- Evidently the tissue box is a good place to store Neosporin (??)
- Kansas and Missouri aren't the only states that are 70 degrees one day and snowing the next
- When you're #1 and you lose it's not as big of a deal if EVERYONE else loses too! (Even though Duke then gets to be #1...lame)
- Audiobooks greatly cut into my phone conversation time
- I need to get a notepad to write these down, because I SWEAR I had more moderately amusing ones
- Parsley is one HARDY herb!! I just picked 1/2 cups worth of parsley from my "garden" that has been covered in about 5 inches of snow, frozen, rained on, AND there is new growth!
- Waiting really REALLY sucks
- Funny cat pictures always make me laugh
- There is only so long in life that you get to be "that girl" that can eat anything and not gain a pound
- The Jetta truly cannot go into the shop and leave for under 1k
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