Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Back to Business

Thank you all for scrolling quickly through indulging my two weeks of Paris posts. We had a lot to do to get back into the swing of home renovations and I didn't have anything else to post! It was also my best coping mechanism for the question "tell me about your trip" - when you've spent a week in Paris where do you start!?! On Day your blog.

But now it's back to home renovation and I'm really excited about the progress we're making on the kitchen. The biggest accomplisment we've made since returning from Paris is the patch up a huge hole in our kitchen!

See that sorry excuse for an "exhaust fan" over the cooktop? No your eyes are not fooling you, there is SUNLIGHT coming in through the fan. It's essentially a hole to the outside with a small fan wired into it. Hello bugs, good-bye heat/cooling!

So that guy had to go. You can see here that we actually filled the hole with spray foam over the winter because we were losing so much heat.

The FIRST thing Micheal did when we got home was get to work tearing it all out and sealing it up.


He was excited. :)

Then we went about patching up the hole. He used the same technique that we used to patch up the big hole around the dryer vent to patch the hole outside. (Once we have enough money we'll pay a mason to come fix all the little brick problems around the house.)

Then we cut out the sheetrock around the hole so we would have some studs to attached the drywall patch to. Then TRIED to use spray foam to fill the hole...

Kinda drooping...

Drooping a bit more...

After this shot it all starts pulling away from the brick and sludging down the wall towards my beautiful cooktop! Instinct kicked in and I tried to catch it...with my hands. Bad idea. Upon inspection of the can it says no contact with skin, and it means it. I had yellow hands for about 5 days and it essentially worked like a chemical peel - my hands are very exfoliated though!

So ultimately we filled it with the pink insulation and patched with drywall. Now the hole is no more!!

Sorry about the light source...we also removed all the lighting because we're going to be installing recessed lights soon!

Last night we primed the ceiling, tonight there are a few spots that need to be touched up with patches and then it'll be time to paint the ceiling. THEN comes orange walls!!! I'm so ready.


Unknown said...

wow, love the kitchen remodel. So much hard work! I want to re-do my kitchen, but I'm terrified of the work/costs involved.
can't want to see more progress.

KLS said...

Thanks NK! I won't lie, it's been a ton of work and the costs seem to keep popping up. That being said it's going to be MY kitchen in the end and I think that will be worth it!