Thursday, August 20, 2009

Welcome to Our Blog!

Hello all! This blog will be dedicated to the herculean task we have undertaken of renovating our first home. We purchased this home as a foreclosure in July of 2009 and intend to transform it over the next few years and return it to it's original glory - i.e. transform it from a sad foreclosure to a fabulous home!

Our goals for this blog are to:
1. Provide tips and insight on shopping for and purchasing a foreclosure.
2. Share our renovation successes, failures and ideas for renovating on a fixed budget (DIY!!)
3. Allow our friends and family to keep up with our progress and entice them to come visit!
4. Keep a record of our progress so if (when) we feel defeated we can look back and see how far we've come.

Posts to come include:
1. Introductions (Micheal, Kari, Kali, Indi, & Moshe!)
2. Shopping for a foreclosure
3. The offer/purchase/closing process
4. Catching you on up the projects we already have under way

Add us to your reader and check back often for updates!!


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