Monday, June 13, 2011

Ciao!! We're back!

Of course, I forgot to mention we were leaving... Oops - sorry! We spent the last week in Rome, Italy living it up Italian style. Which means, eating, walking, sight-seeing, eating, GELATO, shopping, drinking, and then eating some more. And we did ALL of it! :)

Here we are with me rocking my awesome floppy hat at the Spanish Steps

Right after this picture Micheal said to me, "was I even in that photo or was it all hat??" That sacrifices we make for fashion honey...

Instead of drawing out our week in day-by-day posts like I did for Paris (which I'm pretty sure only my mom read all of them...) I'm working on a more succinct photo extravaganza with some Rome travel tips if you're ever going to head on over there!

This is also my first week of "summer vacation" if you will, before I head off to internship so I'm hoping to get working on some projects to share with you!

Ciao for now!

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