Saturday, September 4, 2010

Paris- Day 2 Part 2 and Day 3!

Going back through my pictures I noticed I left off some from the end of Day 2. I'm separating days by outfit. :) So to finalize Day 2...

We ventured up to see the 360 view boasted about on the hotel's website and it did not disappoint!

Paris Roof Deck
Gotta love camera timers!

Paris Rooftop View
Stunning views

We continued wandering and I had to take this picture for Jolene:

Finally a beautiful shot of the final rays of sunlight:

Paris Sunset

Day 3!

Here we go, day three - what you've been waiting for - Eiffel Tower Day! I was very excited to say the least! We grabbed the C RER train which would take us over by the tower.

Paris Metro

The metros/RERs all have these fancy snack machines. There is a little tray that comes up to get your soda so it doesn't fall and get all shaken up!

It was interesting to see variations of our candy bars - notice the two types of Kit Kat.

Riding the two level train!

Hopped off the train and started heading in the direction of the Eiffel. At this point you can see it from pretty much anywhere so it's not hard to locate. :)

We walked through a lovely garden/walkway to get there. It had some beautiful flowers.

Micheal patiently waiting while I photograph flowers. :)

Getting closer!
Eiffel Tower

So when visiting the Eiffel Tower you have a few options for going up into the tower. You can either ride an elevator to either the 1st or 2nd floors or you can go to the top. There will be a LONG line for this. Or you can walk up to the 1st or 2nd floors and according to the travel mags the 2nd floor has the best views. (The top is windy, small, and so high you can't really see the monuments.)

Since we generally dislike waiting in long lines we opted for walking up the stairs. This is not an undertaking for the faint of heart!

Eiffel Tower Stairs
...already doubting this decision.

There are 360 stairs between each level (the equivalent of walking up to the 21st floor of a building.) It was exhausting, and I won't lie, I took a few rest breaks but we made the first level!

Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower First Floor
Le Palais De Tokyo

Now the decision comes, is the first floor your final destination? Do you walk up to the second level? Do you wimp out and pay more to take the elevator?

You only live once right?!

This is me taking a break and pretending to take a picture...

WE MADE IT!! And that expensive water was SO worth it!

However, what goes UP must come down...

We made it down without incident. What an amazing experience!

That night we made our first attempt at going to a "nice restaurant" instead of a cafe.

The result? EPIC FAIL!!

I won't necessary lay the blame with Micheal...but he DID accidentally order the rabbit instead of the scallops...

It was truly disgusting. Out came these cold circle shaped jello like molds with congealed broth and rabbit bits. Micheal actually GAVE me a piece knowing it was cold like this (I didn't know)...I couldn't do it. I apologize to the waiter that had to pick up that napkin with the rabbit bits in it. The wine was good though...

After dinner we went shopping in the little area we were in - it was supposed to be a pretty wild and crazy area. We stopped into this little shop and I tried on a few dresses. Here is a Paris Dressing Area :)

After some wandering we hitched the RER back.

Paris is also beautiful at night (of course)

Eiffel Tower at Night

I didn't get any pictures of this (sadly) but we spent some time on the roof that night with our beautiful view of the Eiffel Tower all lit up. And to our surprise when the clock hit 1am the Eiffel began to sparkle!! It was beautiful. After about 15 min the lights went out and we took that as a sign to get some sleep and prepare for another exciting day.


  1. Thanks for the picture! did you get the dress??? super cute.

  2. I actually LOVED the front of the dress, but the back was all funky so we didn't get it. Boo!
