So on day 2 we got out of bed at the crack of...about 10:30 :) and prepared to head out for some more adventures. This fateful day adventure came in the form of RAIN!
We ducked into this little cafe (the heart of Paris eating, little cafes) before the sky erupted. After mulling the menu over we decided to get a croque. This is essentially the Parisian version of a hot grilled sandwich with variations of toppings and fillings. Popular and available at pretty much all cafes, it's a safe option if you can't read anything else on the menu. The "Madame" is ham (jambon), cheese (fromage) melted on top and a cooked egg (ouef).
Similar to East Coast rain, Paris rain does not last very long. By the time we were done eating the rain had stopped and we were ready to wander. Again doing some window shopping (and photographing) this display reminded me of my friend Ashley over at Decorating Obsessed.
Not sure why, maybe it's the tall silver vases that I could see on her beautiful black buffet. :)
During our adventures I started to garner inspiration but a rather unlikely source considering where I was. You think, Paris - fashion capital of the world, stunning museums, delicious food... I was inspired by doors. Ha. :)
But really, with these historic buildings there is not a lot of room for curb appeal or to set you apart from the other 200 year old high rise next door. This only leaves your huge double door and house number for some individualization.
Beautiful blue door with top number
Awesome red door with side number
No description needed...
They even had cool storm/security doors!
Loving this one
We want this for our house! Both the cool door and the house number!
At this point Micheal needed to go register for his conference (since that was the reason for going) so that led us up north of the city and on our first metro ride!
Next we went into to Saint Paul Catholic Church and lit a candle for my cousin Brianne. The inside was of course beautiful.
Our advice is that when you're traveling take some time to get to know your city before running straight to the landmarks and museums. If you're running from place to place you might miss out on some amazing views!
We went out in the evening after our afternoon rest and ate in the Saint Germaine area and had some yummy glacier (ICE CREAM!)
Amazing photos, Kari. I have a love affair with doors too - I totally get it.