Monday, September 5, 2011

Welcome to Miami Wilmington...

Well, I'm what I'm calling our "Wilmington vacation home." You know you always wanted a vacation home about 2 hours from the beach just outside of Philly! Might as well be Miami! We came up a few times before the final move to clean, measure, and get to know the area.

Micheal even braved cleaning the top of the refrigerator for me. In a rental. If that's not love, I'm not sure what is.

We haven't done much to the house over the past three weeks (shocker) but we have spent some of our quality Micheal/Kari time hitting up estate sales and thrift shops. 'Cuz that's how we roll. Picked up this little table at an estate sale just to salvage the hairpin legs. At $12 that's a great deal because they also had all four foot things (technical term) which are pretty hard to come by.

The crusty tile top has already been disposed of and the legs are ready to be cleaned up and put on the TV/Audio stand we bought a little ways back!

We got the lotus candle holder at CB2 and the vintage Polaroid at a thrift store for $5!! The inside workings are in AH-mazing condition. I love it.

Since I posted last I've survived an earthquake, an aftershock, a hurricane, moving away from my husband, and my first week of internship. And I'm exhausted. :) The vacation home is not very "settled" so as I put stuff away and make it look a bit more presentable I'll post pics. A few things I've learned...
  1. Wearing heels for a week straight after a month of sneakers and flip flops in rough on the feet
  2. AI Dupont has two groundhogs

  3. When you have the litter box in the bathroom there will be inevitably the that awkward moment when you and your cat are both using the bathroom at the same time.
  4. When a hurricane is coming hit the peanut butter aisle first!
  5. Walk in closets are pretty cool, I won't lie.
  6. The bachelorette lifestyle isn't all it's cracked up to be.


  1. Thinking of you and your time in the "vacation home." Hope it goes quickly and smoothly for you! Love the vintage finds, as well, as always. :)

  2. I've been thinking about you all weekend as I hit up the thrift stores & garage sales looking for cool vintage stuff!! I'm starting to get a little craigslist obsessed :)
