Sunday, May 15, 2011

Weekend (Life) Update and WWL 5.15.11

Ciao my dears - sorry about my absence, but I had to make an unexpected trip home on the 29th to visit with my grandmother before she passed.  She was a lovely woman and I was very lucky to be able to sit and have some much needed talks with her before she went to her heavenly home.

But now I'm BACK and super excited for June to get here.  Starting in June I'll only be working a few days a week so I'm looking forward to working on the many projects that are sitting around the house unfinished.

Exhibit A:


My super cool mid-century chair has turned into a cat bed because I’m halfway through making a new cover for the top cushion.  Piping sucks.

Exhibit B:


My grandparents gave me this amazing starburst clock!!  I’ve wanted one SO badly and this baby was free!  It needs new guts and I’m going to paint it, I already have it’s new home all picked out!

Exhibit C:


I just can’t figure out what I want to put on these shelves.  We’re slowly adding things, but I really want it to be set and done.  And the glaring holes in the middle of the shelves are a constant reminder that it’s NOT DONE!  I’m thinking of being trendy and doing an “S” for Struemph and another wedding photo.  Also need to get candles that will fit those little candle holders on the left and something to go in the blue vase.

This weekend we were busy in the yard – I’ll share some pics tomorrow!

What We’ve Learned Recently:

1. Cicadas live underground in their infancy stages and look disturbingly like mutant grub worms (which I already have an unhealthy fear of.)

2. Continental says that if you’re not in your seat 10 minutes before the scheduled take-off time you’re SOL.  No matter how hard you’re crying.

3. If you miss your connection when flying home to visit a dying relative a kind flight attendant might covertly offer you a Xanax.  (Man I must have looked bad….)

4. We’re going to ROME!!!!

5. The end of the movie “The Crazies” sucks.

6. Wear kneepads when installing tile, EVEN if your knees feel file while installing.  They will thank you the next day.

7. My mom and I are two peas in a super productive, type A, “I’ll do it myself” pod. :)

8. If you want cool plants (particularly shade plants) skip Home Depot and go to a real nursery.

9. Hostas are “like candy” to deer.  Damnit.

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