Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Mid-Week Update and WWL 3/2/11

I'm SO ready for March!! More warm days, college basketball (GO JAYHAWKS), home renovations...what more could a girl ask for?

I'm very excited to share several things with you this week. First off, last Friday we got the results of the match process for my internship, and the verdict was...

DUPONT!! I'm VERY excited about the excellent training I will be receive at this amazing children's hospital. It's such a huge relief to have that whole stressful process behind me.

We had a low key weekend working on the house which included a trip to our favorite housing supply store, The Community Forklift. Sometimes we go and don't find anything, this was not one of those trips! This time we had to leave the store before we had even gotten to the back because our cart was full!!

I found this amazing antique window that had full pains of wavy patterned glass that was the perfect size for our pantry door project.

Upon closer inspection we realized the pattern was (be still my heart) STARBURSTS!!

AND IT WAS ON SALE!! It was kismet. How much did we spend for these two amazing panes of glass? A whopping $35...I love you Community Forklift. We had to disassemble the window to get the glass into the ol'Jetta, but trust me, it was old. :)

We also picked up a wall-mount sink that we will tuck away for the guest bath remodel (that's next!!)

Not the best picture, but you get the idea.

It was a great weekend - I don't start at Dupont until August so I'll have lots of time this summer for projects! Yay!

What we learned:
  1. 1 bottle of red wine = sweet dance moves
  2. Two hours can seem like forever when you're refreshing your email every 15 seconds!
  3. Do not try to calm an indoor cat who is poof city trying to defend the household from a stray outdoor's not pretty
  4. Good things come to those who wait
  5. The power surge we had two weeks ago fried our scanner :(
  6. I simply refuse to follow a sewing pattern, I have no idea why I continue to buy them
  7. Target clearance WILL be the downfall of my bank account

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