Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Outdoor Fabric - Sale at Joann's!

I've been putting off buying this fabric because the cushion recovering project is getting the best of me. I have sewing confession...I'm afraid of zippers.

I have no idea how to sew them in and have avoided learning. I actually came up with a button alternative last night to close my first cushion so I decided to buckle down and order the rest. So imagine how excited I was since when I looked up my fabric at Joann.com today it is on great sale! I have enough lime green fabric to cover the single chair so I need a coordinating fabric to go on the love seat. These are the ones I like in order that they appear on Joann.com not preference:






Everybody weigh in! If you get this via email you can reply to me and I'll post your comment or if you read this in reader you can click out to the original post and leave a comment! Thanks!


  1. I love all of them! Especially the green medallion. I almost bought #3 for some cushions of my own. You might check old time pottery/garden ridge too (if you have one). They have remnants on sale for $4-$5 per yard and I saw the medallion fabric there in black/tan.

  2. I like #4 first and then #2. I think #1 is cool looking but that it might be really loud covering a whole love seat.

  3. #1 and #4!


