Thursday, April 22, 2010

Post Number One Hundred!!!

Wow, one hundred posts - how crazy is that? All of my other blogs tended to fizzle out around 60 posts so to have made it to 100 is a pretty big deal for me. :) I wish I had something to give away to commemorate this post but I'm not one of those big fancy blogs yet that gets cool free stuff so you'll have to settle for...

Pictures of the new table!! Almost as exciting as free stuff right? Since we're out the door to Chicago they're not the best...but I made a promise, and I'm a woman of my word!

The rockin' leopard/lion print chairs with fringe! I love the lines though, which is what sold it for me. :)

There are two extensions so we can have lots of people over for dinner!

It's hard to see, but this is a close up of the style of the legs...

That match the chair legs!

So I am in love with this table, and since I turned in my dissertation draft yesterday (!!!) I have time to work on it! (Until she sends it back...)

I also bought this yesterday:

The most awesome teapot ever! And it matches my KA!!

Alright, we're out the door to Chicago - and guess what, I'm not taking my computer!!! (Please don't die of a heart attack those who know me.) :)

So have a great weekend all and I'll see you Monday!


  1. Love the teapot. Your green and orange kitchen is going to look awesome. Can't wait to see what you do with the table.

  2. Congrats on your 100th post! I absolutely love the desk you repainted! What color did you use?

  3. Thank you so much Caroline! Sadly I actually don't know the color for the desk because I bought it as "oops" paint. It's mixed with a Glidden base and by looking at their color palate it's looks closest to "True Turquoise."
