Saturday, January 30, 2010

Weekend Plans

Greetings!! I know we haven't been updating much lately and for that I apologize. It seems like we're stuck in one spot on renovations (the house keeps fighting us) so I have not been motivated to take pictures and continue to update on our final trimming process. But, I need to move past this mental block so here we go!

This weekend we are going to:

1. Sand and repaint (again...) the infernal east wall of our bedroom. If paint peels again I might just tear the whole thing down...

Micheal is already working on this as I type. He likes to vacuum and sand at the same time as to avoid excess dust in the bedroom.

2. Go to home depot and buy a ceiling fan brace to be able to safely mount the ceiling fan here:

3. Mount said ceiling fan.

4. Re-sand the drawers to my desk because I don't like the white design I put on them...

5. Stain these two pieces of beautiful vintage white oak and turn them into floating shelves!

...and since it's doing this out:

We won't be outside playing so should have plenty of time to get stuff done!

Oh yeah - and the Jayhawks play tonight!! ROCK CHALK JAYHAWK!!


  1. Looking good!

    Brent does the same thing when he sands. I'm just not that coordinated to do both things at once. I think he's showing off. ;)

  2. Evidently I shouldn't try to use the sander and vacuum at once...then I end up power sanding my hand! OUCH!
