Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Greens and Blues!

I've added some new colors to our house today! I ordered these sheets from Dillards to go with the blue/green/brown color scheme I'm planning for the bedroom.

I love the pattern! Here is a closeup:

With the solid brown bedspread I wanted a patterned sheet to add a pop of excitement and style to the bedding ensemble. I will be looking for some green and blue throw pillows to bring in the color off walls next.

The next exciting pop of color that arrived today is for the kitchen! Kali and I were both excited when it arrived...

What color does that sticker say?


And here she is in all her glory...

A big thank you to Micheal's parents for their contribution to my new KitchenAid!! I love it so much! AND I just found a 30 dollar rebate online! SCORE! (Available for 5 & 6 qt KA mixers purchased between 1/1/10 & 3/27/10.)

I'm excited to be getting to the point that I start thinking about color and decor and not grime and mold. :P

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