Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Buffet – Before and After!

It may be late on Tuesday, but it’s still Tuesday!  Here are the before and after pictures of our new buffet!  We were looking for something to add some additional storage until we are able to redo the kitchen.  I want to get out all of my kitchen wedding goodies!

I was actually down visiting my girls in Richmond when I found this on Craigslist and called Micheal and sent him after it.  He got there and called me to ask “could you have FOUND a bigger buffet??”  I needed the space. :)

I’m so excited now that it’s done, I have the extra storage space and had a place to set out some of the few Christmas decorations I have!  Enjoy!

I am seriously so excited to have this in the dining room!  Now, you might be asking yourself, I thought this was “Foreclosure to Fabulous” not “Furniture to Fabulous!”  I know we’ve been focused on furniture for a while, but it seems that refinishing furniture is much more rewarding that house projects!

However, we REALLY are almost done with the major components of our bedroom so I’ll be able to post pictures of that soon!

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